What does CIN mean?

CIN stands for ‘Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia’. It is a result you can get following a smear test. It means that there are some changes in the cells obtained from the smear test which if not treated, can lead to cervical cancer. As long as this is acted upon, it is not a cause for concern.


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  1. Im a 34 year old woman and got a report of HSIL following my pap smear. Please what does this mean and what should i do?

  2. Dear Amina, HSIL is an acronym for High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Neoplasia. It means that your pap smear showed some changes on your cervix which if left untreated may progress to become cancer. Note that the result does not mean that you have cancer at this point. This report needs to be confirmed though by a further examination called Colposcopy, during which your cervix will be examined to confirm and determine the treatment.

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